Grzegorz Cholewiński

tytuł: dr inż.
stanowisko: prac. emerytowany

original papers

Mackowski M., Mucha S., Cholewinski G., Cieslak J., (2015), Genetic diversity in Hucul and Polish primitive horse breeds , Archives Animal Breeding, 58: 23-31

Mackowski M., Mucha S., Cholewinski G., Cieslak J. , (2015), Genetic diversity in Hucul and Polish primitive horse breeds , Archives of Animal Breeding , 58: 23-31. (IF'2015=0.493; 5-years IF'2015=0.565).

Cieslak J., Cholewinski G., Mackowski M., (2013), Genotyping of coat color genes (MC1R, ASIP, PMEL17 and MATP) polymorphisms in cold-blooded horses bred in Poland reveals sporadic mistakes in phenotypic descriptions., Animal Science Papers and Reports, 2: 159-164

Cieslak J., Cholewinski G., Mackowski M. . , (2013), Genotyping of coat color genes (MC1R, ASIP, PMEL17 and MATP) polymorphisms in cold-blooded horses bred in Poland reveals sporadic mistakes in phenotypic descriptions. , Animal Science Papers and Reports , 2: 159-164, (IF'2013=0,814, 5-years IF'2013=0,788).

papers on conference

Cholewinski G., Mackowski M., Cothran E.G. and Klak K. , (2008), Frequency of the Red Factor (MC1R) in the Polish Primitive Horse in Poland. , 31 Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics, July 20-24, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, , Book of abstracts: poster 2210


Cieslak J., Mackowski M., Wodas L., Pawlak P., Cholewinski G. , (2015), Polymorphism and expression of genes related to mare’s milk composition , Abstracts of the 11th Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation International Equine Genome Mapping Workshop. July 22-25 2015. Hannover, Germany , s. 83-84

Mackowski M., Klimowska A., Cholewinski G., Cieslak J. , (2012), The aggrecan (ACAN) gene polymorphism In Horsens of different morphological types., 33rd Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics, Cairns, Australia, 15-20 lipca 2012, Abstract Book: P3045

Mackowski M., Cholewinski G. , (2010), Identification of Equine Repetetive Element-1 (ERE-1) and four SNPs in horse myostatin (MSTN) gene. , 32nd Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-27 lipca 2010. , Abstract Book: P4084

Ma?kowski M., Nied?wiedzka M., Orsztynowicz M., Cholewinski G., (2010), Mo?liwo?ci praktycznego wykorzystania bada? genetycznych w identyfikacji umaszcze? koni., III Polski Kongres Genetyki, Lublin 12-15 wrze?nia 2010., Materia?y konferencyjne: P225

Mackowski M., Mucha S., Cholewinski G., (2010), Polimorfizm genu IGF-1 koni, III Polski Kongres Genetyki, Lublin 12-15 wrze?nia 2010., Materia?y konferencyjne: P207