Mariusz Maćkowski

tytuł: dr inż.
stanowisko: adiunkt
tel.: + 48 61 848 72 37
konsultacje: czwartek 9:00-11:00

original papers

Cieslak J., Mackowski M., Skrzetuska W., Fidos-Tama E., Siwinska N., Szczerbal I. , (2024), A case of non-mosaic X trisomy (65,XXX) in a Thoroughbred mare confirmed by cytogenetic and molecular analysis, Journal of Applied Genetics, 2190-3883 (IF’2022=2.4)

Cieslak J., Brooks SA., Wodas L., Mantaj W., Borowska A., Sliwowska JH., Ziarniak K., Mackowski M., (2021), Genetic Background of the Polish Primitive Horse (Konik) Coat Color Variation—New Insight into Dun Dilution Phenotypic Effect., Journal of Heredity, 112(5): 436–442 (IF’2020=2,645; 5-years IF’2020=3,069)

Nowacka-Woszuk J., Mackowski M., Mantaj W., Stefaniuk-Szmukier M., Cieslak J., (2021), Equine STX17 intronic triplication confirmed by droplet digital PCR analysis of its breakpoints., Animal Genetics, 52: 567-56 (IF'2020=3,169; 5-year IF'2020=3,058)

Nowacka-Woszuk J., Mackowski M., Stefaniuk-Szmukier M., Cieslak J., (2021), The equine graying with age mutation of the STX17 gene: A copy number study using droplet digital PCR reveals a new pattern., Animal Genetics 11, 223-227 (IF'2020=3,169; 5-year IF'2020=3,058)

Szczerbal I., Nowacka-Woszuk J., Kopp-Kuhlman C., Mackowski M., Switonski M., (2020), Application of droplet digital PCR in diagnosing of X monosomy in mares., Equine Veterinary Journal, 52(4): 627-631. (IF'2020 = 2,888; 5-years IF'2020 = 3,003)

Wodas L., Mackowski M., Borowska A., Puppel K., Kuczynska B., Cieslak J. , (2020), Genes encoding equine BETA-lactoglobulin (LGB1 and LGB2): Polymorphism, expression, and impact on milk composition., PLoS ONE 15(4): e0232066. , (IF'2020=3,24; 5-years IF'2020=3,778)

Cieslak J., Wodas L., Borowska A., Pawlak P., Czyzak-Runowska G., Wojtowski J, Puppel K., Kuczynska B., Mackowski M., (2019), 5’-flanking variants of equine casein genes (CSN1S1, CSN1S2, CSN2, CSN3) and their relationship with gene expression and milk composition, Journal of Applied Genetics, 60 (1): 71-78 (IF'2019=2.027; 5-years IF'2019=1.954)

Cieslak J., Borowska A., Wodas L., Mackowski M. , (2018), Interbreed distribution of the myostatin (MSTN) gene 5’-flanking variants and their relationship with horse biometric traits, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 60: 83-89.e1 (IF'2017=0.880 5-years IF'2017=0.982)

Cieslak J., Wodas L., Borowska A., Cothran E.G., Khanshour A.M., Mackowski M. , (2017), Characterization of the Polish Primitive Horse (Konik) maternal lines using mitochondrial D-loop sequence variation , PeerJ , 5: e3714. (IF'2017=2.118; 5-years IF'2017=2.469).

Cieslak J., Wodas L., Borowska A., Sadoch J., Pawlak P., Puppel K., Kuczynska B., Mackowski M. , (2017), Variability of lysozyme and lactoferrin bioactive protein concentrations in equine milk in relation to LYZ and LTF gene polymorphisms and expression , Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , 97(7): 2174-2181. (IF'2017=2.379; 5-years IF'2017=2.537).

Cieslak J., Pawlak P., Wodas L., Borowska A., Stachowiak A., Puppel K., Kuczynska B., Luczak M., Marczak L., Mackowski M. , (2016), Characterization of equine CSN1S2 variants considering genetics, transcriptomics, and proteomics , Journal of Dairy Science , 99(2):1277-85. (IF’2016=2.474, 5-years IF'2016=2.855).

Cieslak J., Mackowski M., Czyzak-Runowska G., Wojtowski J., Puppel K., Kuczynska B., Pawlak P. , (2015), Screening for the Most Suitable Reference Genes for Gene Expression Studies in Equine Milk Somatic Cells , PLoS ONE , 10(10): e0139688, (IF'2015=3.057; 5-years IF'2015=3.535).

Mackowski M., Mucha S., Cholewinski G., Cieslak J. , (2015), Genetic diversity in Hucul and Polish primitive horse breeds , Archives of Animal Breeding , 58: 23-31. (IF'2015=0.493; 5-years IF'2015=0.565).

Mackowski M., Mucha S., Cholewinski G., Cieslak J., (2015), Genetic diversity in Hucul and Polish primitive horse breeds , Archives Animal Breeding, 58: 23-31

Cieslak J., Cholewinski G., Mackowski M. . , (2013), Genotyping of coat color genes (MC1R, ASIP, PMEL17 and MATP) polymorphisms in cold-blooded horses bred in Poland reveals sporadic mistakes in phenotypic descriptions. , Animal Science Papers and Reports , 2: 159-164, (IF'2013=0,814, 5-years IF'2013=0,788).

Cieslak J., Cholewinski G., Mackowski M., (2013), Genotyping of coat color genes (MC1R, ASIP, PMEL17 and MATP) polymorphisms in cold-blooded horses bred in Poland reveals sporadic mistakes in phenotypic descriptions., Animal Science Papers and Reports, 2: 159-164

Szydlowski M., Buszka A., Mackowski M., Lechniak D., Switonski M. , (2011), Polymorphism of genes encoding cytokine IL6 and TNF is associated with pig fatness. , Livestock Science , 136:150-156 (IF'2011=1,506)

Stachowiak M., Mackowski M., Madeja Z., Szydlowski M., Buszka A., Kaczmarek P., Rubis B., Mackowiak P., Nowak K.W., Switonski M. , (2007), Polymorphism of the Porcine Leptin Gene Promoter and Analysis of Its Association with Gene Expression and Fatness Traits. , Biochemical Genetics , 45: 245-253

Szczerbal I., Lin L., Stachowiak M., Chmurzynska A., Mackowski M., Winter A., Flisikowski K., Fries R., Switonski M., (2007), Cytogenetic mapping of DGAT1, PPARA, ADIPOR1 and CREB genes in the pig., Journal of Applied Genetics, 48: 73-76

Mackowski M., Szymoniak K., Szyd?owski M., Kamyczek M., Eckert R., Rozycki M., Switonski M. , (2005), Missense mutations in exon 4 of the porcine LEPR gene encoding extracellular domain and their association with fatness traits. , Animal Genetics , 36: 135-137

Szydlowski M., Stachowiak M., Mackowski M., Kamyczek M., Eckert R., Rozycki M., Switonski M. , (2004), No major effect of the leptin gene polymorphism on porcine production traits. , Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics , 121: 149-155

Klukowska J., Strabel T., Mackowski M., Switonski M., (2003), Microsatellite polymorphism and genetic distances between the dog, red fox and arctic fox., Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 120: 88-94.,

papers on conference

Cholewinski G., Mackowski M., Cothran E.G. and Klak K. , (2008), Frequency of the Red Factor (MC1R) in the Polish Primitive Horse in Poland. , 31 Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics, July 20-24, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, , Book of abstracts: poster 2210

popular science publications

Mantaj W., Mackowski M., Cieslak J., (2020), Mitochondrialny DNA a ró?norodno?? genetyczna koni., Hodowca i Je?dziec, 66(3): 34-35.


Cieslak D., Cieslak J., Dragan M., Mackowski M., Madeja Z.E., Nowacka-Woszuk J., Pawlak P., Szczerbal I., Switonski M., (red.) Warzych E. , (2023), Genetyka ogolna i weterynaryjna, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.,


Skrzetuska W., Borowska A., Mackowski M., Szwaczkowski T., Cieslak J., (2022), Roznorodnosc genetyczna konikow polskich - analizy rodowodowe i molekularne., Konferencja Miedzynarodowa pt. Rodzime rasy zwierzat jako wazny element ochrony bioroznorodnosci, zachowania tradycji regionow oraz produkcji zywnosci o podwyzszonych walorach zdrowotnych., Lublin, 14-15 czerwca 2022: 71.

Skrzetuska W., Mackowski M., Borowska A., Cieslak J., (2022), Screening for the KIT gene variants in Polish Konik horses carrying white coat markings, VI Polski Kongres Genetyki : Krakow, 27-30 czerwca 2022,

Cieslak J., Wodas L., Brooks S.A., Mackowski M. , (2018), Can old, indigenous horse breeds teach us something new about coat colors? Difficult cases within the Polish Primitive Horse (Konik) and Hucul breeds. , 12th Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation International Equine Genome Mapping Workshop. Pavia, Italy 22-25.07.2015. , Streszczenia: 46

Cieslak J., Wodas L., Mackowski M. , (2017), The known variants of the TBX3 gene do not explain the variability of grullo coat color shades in Polish Primitive Horse (Konik) , 36th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference, Dublin, Ireland (16-21 July) , Abstracts: 71457.

Wodas L., Cieslak J., Borowska A., Cothran E.G., Khanshour A.M., Mackowski M. , (2017), Characteristics of the two primitive horse breeds (Polish Primitive Horse and Hucul) maternal lines using mtDNA D-loop sequence variation , 36th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference, Dublin, Ireland (16-21 July) , Abstracts: 71264.

Cieslak J., Pawlak P., Wodas L., Borowska A., Stachowiak A., Puppel K., Kuczynska B., Luczak M., Marczak L., Mackowski M. , (2015), Novel variants of the equine alpha‐s2 casein (CSN1S2) and their association with gene expression level , Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on Animal Functional Genomics. July 27-29 2015, Piacenza, Italy , Abstract 37

Cieslak J., Mackowski M., Wodas L., Pawlak P., Cholewinski G. , (2015), Polymorphism and expression of genes related to mare’s milk composition , Abstracts of the 11th Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation International Equine Genome Mapping Workshop. July 22-25 2015. Hannover, Germany , s. 83-84

Mackowski M., Klimowska A., Cholewinski G., Cieslak J. , (2012), The aggrecan (ACAN) gene polymorphism In Horsens of different morphological types., 33rd Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics, Cairns, Australia, 15-20 lipca 2012, Abstract Book: P3045

Mackowski M., Cholewinski G. , (2010), Identification of Equine Repetetive Element-1 (ERE-1) and four SNPs in horse myostatin (MSTN) gene. , 32nd Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-27 lipca 2010. , Abstract Book: P4084

Mackowski M., Mucha S., Cholewinski G., (2010), Polimorfizm genu IGF-1 koni, III Polski Kongres Genetyki, Lublin 12-15 wrze?nia 2010., Materia?y konferencyjne: P207

Mackowski M., Przewlocka J., Szydlowski M., Rzoszak P., Switonski M., (2007), Two new SNPs in the pig TNFalpha gene and their association with fatness traits., Acta Biochemica Polonica, 54 (Supplement) : 62

Stachowiak M., Skorczyk A., Mackowski M., Chmurzynska A., Szydlowski M., Switonski M., (2006), Polymorphism of genes encoding peptides involved in lipid metabolism in mammals., 1st Bioscence Partnering Event Berlin-Brandenburg meets Poznan. Pozna? 30-31 marca 2006r.,

Stachowiak M., Szydlowski M., Mackowski M., Chmurzynska A., Cieslak J., Switonski M. , (2005), Polimorfizm wybranych genów warunkuj?cych cechy zwi?zane z gospodarka lipidow? ?wini. Zjazd Katedr Jednoimiennych Genetyki. Warszawa, 1-3 wrze?nia 2005, Streszczenie: 42. , ,